segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012


1. Complete com to ou from:

  • We are coming ______ the park.
  • Are you going _____ school?
  • I have some perfume ______ France.
  • The cat is running _____ the door.
  • I am glad to hear that _____ you.
  • She is taking a book ______ the table.
  • Please, go _____ the door.
  • Don't go _____ the station.
2. Complete as frases com "between" ou "among".

  • Peter is _________ Bob and Jane.
  • June is ________ May and July.
  • I can see a turkey _______ the hens.
  • The teacher was playing ________ the students.
  • There is a boy sitting _______ two girls.
  • The bank is ______ the school and the hospital.
  • Joan was walking _______ the trees of the forest.
  • You are _______ my best friends.
  • There is a bottle _______ the glass and the vase.
  • There is a little stone _____ the beans.
3.Transcreva, utilizando as preposições adequadas:

  • The book is _______ the desk.
  • He arrived ______ Santos _____11 o'clock.
  • They went on _____ a walk______precisely the same time.
  • I'm dreaming ______ a better life.
  • They laughed _______the sight _____ the old woman ______ green.
  • I tried to get in touch with him _____ the telephone.
  • My opinion is different ____ Peter's.
  • It is impossible to prevent them _________quarreling______each other.
  • You can divide this apple _______ the two of you.
  • She smiled ______ him because she was ______ love_____him.
4. Preencha os espaços com as preposições in, on, at.

  • My birthday is ______June 2nd.
  • The lesson starts ______ 7 o'clock and ends ____10.
  • He lives ______44 Sun Street but works _____ Madison Avenue.
  • The Independence Day of Brazil is _______ September 7th.
  • The Independence Day of the United States is _____ July 4th.
  • I get up _____ six and go to work _____ seven.


My - meu, minha, meus, minhas;
Your - seu, sua;
His - dele, seu, sua, seus, suas;
Her - dela, seu, sua, seus, suas;
Its - dele, dela(neutro);
Our - nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas;
Your - seus, suas;
Their - deles, delas, seu, sua, seus, suas.

Observação: Os adjetivos possessivos HIS e HER, variam de acordo com o possuidor e não de acordo com a coisa possuída.
HIS: refere-se a uma pessoa do sexo masculino.
HER: refere-se a uma pessoa do sexo feminino.

1.Escreva his ou her:
  • Jane has a car._______
  • Paul has a bike._______
  • Fred has a house._______
  • Meg has a ball.________
  • Lucy has a book._______
2.Preencha os espaços com his ou her:
  • Mary is studying ____lesson.
  • John is studying ____lesson.
  • Betty is reading _____magazine.
  • Jeff is reading ______ newspaper.
  • Meg is dancing with _____ friend.
  • Fred is dancing with _____ friend.
  • Albert is driving _____ car.
  • Monica is driving ______ car.
  • She is writing _____ name.
  • He is writing _____ name.
  • ______ name is George.
  • ______ name is Patricia.


WHY?:Por quê?
BECAUSE...: Porque...
  Quando queremos perguntar para saber a causa, o motivo de algo, usamos a palavra "Why". Para responder, empregamos "Because".
1.Responda às perguntas abaixo:
  • Why are you running? I am late.________
  • Why is the boy crying? He is hungry._______
  • Why are you talking your umbrella? It is raining._____
  • Why are you so happy? My team is winning the game._________
  • Why is the boy going to get the book? He wants to read it.________
2. Relacione as perguntas às respostas:
  1. Why are they running?
  2. Why are you so happy?
  3. Why is the boy crying?
( )Because he is hungry.
( )Because they are late.
( )Because today is my birthday.



O simple present(presente simples) indica uma ação que se faz costumeiramente, que se repete normalmente.
Jack sleeps late every day.
Jack dorme tarde todos os dias.

Jack plays football every day.
Jack joga futebol todos os dias.

Conjugação do verbo to sleep, no presente simples:

Simple Present

I sleep (eu durmo)
You sleep (você dorme)
He sleeps (ele dorme)
She sleeps (ela dorme)
It sleeps (ele ou ela dorme)
We sleep (nós dormimos)
You sleep (vocês dormem)
They sleep (eles ou elas dormem)

  Muitas vezes o simple present vem acompanhado dos advérbios usually,generally,always...


No present continuous (presente contínuo) é indicado uma ação que se está fazendo agora, que começou e continua ainda neste momento.
Jack is sleeping now.
Jack esta dormindo agora.

Jack is playing football now.
Jack esta jogando futebol agora.

Conjugação do verbo sleep no presente contínuo.

Present Continuous

I am sleeping (eu estou dormindo)
You are sleeping (você esta dormindo)
He is sleeping (ele esta dormindo)
She is sleeping (ela esta dormindo)
It is sleeping (ele ou ela esta dormindo)
We are sleeping (nós estamos dormindo)
You are sleeping (vocês estão dormindo)
They are sleeping (eles estão dormindo)

  O present continuous é formado pelo verbo to be no presente + o gerúndio do verbo principal.


1.Mude para o gerúndio. Siga o modelo:

  • to read:reading
  • to teach:________
  • to go:___________
  • to look:________
  • to study:________
  • to build:_________
2.Mude para o presente contínuo:

  • She drinks water.__________
  • I read a book.__________
  • She paints well._________
  • I eat an apple._________
  • I go to school._________
  • They study History.__________
  • He teaches English.__________
3.Mude para o presente simples:

  • I am studying History now.__________
  • I am drinking milk now.__________
  • I am playing tennis now.__________
  • I am going to school now.__________
  • I am eating rice now.________
  • She is helping me now.__________


1.Conjugue o verbo "to love" no presente do indicativo:
I love__________________

2.Agora, conjugue o verbo "to go":

3.Conjugue o verbo "to be"(ser,estar) no tempo passado(past tense):

4.Escreva no plural:
  • I am a happy boy. ____________
  • She was a beautiful girl._____________
  • He likes my friend.__________
  • You are an engineer._________
5.Escreva no passado:
  • I am very well.___________
  • She is my teacher._________
  • You have many friends.________
  • They have a lot of money._________
  • They are late.__________
6.Escreva na forma negativa:
  • I was sick.__________
  • We had some time._______
  • She was at home.__________
  • They were happy.___________
7.Escreva na forma interrogativa:
  • She was in Rio.___________
  • They were sick._________
8.Escreva em inglês:
  • Quantos anos você tem?__________
  • Tenho vinte anos.___________
  • Quantos anos ela tem?________
  • Ela tem quinze anos.__________
  • Quanto dinheiro você tem?_________
  • Quantos livros eles tem?__________